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Passive Voice : It was posted ontheir personal website, by Trey Parker and Matt Strone, that they will with-hold episodes unless Comedy central re-airs the series’ unless Comedy Central re-airs the series’ 200th episode.

correction… Trey Parker and Matt Strone posted on the website that they will with-hold episodes unless Comedy central re-airs the series’ unless Comedy Central re-airs the series’ 200th episode.

Comma placement / Mispelling Names : In resposne, a writer on the website,, warned that Park and Stone “might suffer the same fate as Theo Van Gogh”

Corrections : In resposne, a writer on the website warned that Parker and Stone “might suffer the same fate as Theo Van Gogh”

splitting leads : The creators of the controversial cartoon “South Park” are threatening to quit producing the show.  They are complaining that their network, Comedy Central, censored an episode depicting Muhammad.

Correction : The creators of the controversial cartoon “South Park” are threatening to quit producing the show;  They are complaining that their network, Comedy Central, censored an episode depicting Muhammad.

Pay For College Blog : assuming the audience wouldwant to see the other opinions and facts on other changes in tuition for universities. Also how salaries will influenced by the studies the take in college/ university.

Georgia tuition : Comparing tuition from specific schools, allowing parents and future students to consider certain districts over others.

Tuition from a Economist’s POV : Previous blogs have been for parents or students or and audience that is effected directly by tuition (parents, students, staff of university etc.).  However this is the point of view of a economist and their opinions how he changes in tuition and the effects they will have.

Taxing Tuition : this link allows the possibilities of alternatives like taxing tuition.  Using these taxes for the city if passed.  Although these policies have only been approved in specific schools and cases these could be the results of increasing our tuition, tuition would be another donor for our cities instead of only our education.

UVA Law Tuition : This is a blog that shows positive reactions to the rising in tuition in Virginia.  Althouhg not all universities are satisfied with the increasing tuition rates, some believe that it is not that bad, and that it is worth it.  Students in this UVA law blog write that since the major firms, which many tend to end up working, are well/high paying salary jobs, the tuition increase is not that bad…. but is that the case for other students nationwide?

I found a site in the washingtonpost about an interview with Lost casts and interviewers Jen and Liz.  Dissecting what has been going on the in Lost and will be going on soon. They take a specific episode where Jin and Sun are about to reunite. but havent yet.

This site includes, movie clips of the episode, e-polls, stories, interviews, and a picture of the character (Sun) in an episode. Links to prior episodes were available as well as easy access to follow them on twitter.

I really liked many of these features, they are very convenient and easily accessible.  Because it was in interview format, there was a place on the bottom of the site for comments.

I really didn’t mind but did not care for the advertisements attacthed to the websites.  They were placed there I think because they had to do with recent celebrity news, but I did not bother to look much.

Recently there have been stricter rules and consequences for drinking on or around campus.  Especially after an LSU student and an MIT student died from alcohol poisoning not to long ago.

Three students from the Alpha Beta Zeta fraternity: Press Martin, Al Amalek and Rob Smith were admitted to a hospital and diagnosed with alcohol poisoning.  Some say the fraternity as a whole should be punished others say the fraternity should not be punished due to the mistakes of three individuals.  None-the-less  the fraternity is being suspended,for how long has not been states.  But one thing is for sure, the lookout for similar incidents in school related fraternities are on the rise and the punishments that follow are damaging.

I recently saw a show called Too Young To Kill on t.v. and it is about how juveniles commit unbelievable crimes and are tried as adults. Mostly included shootings and strangling people and many of the victims were family members or close friends.

It was so surprising and shocking how these ‘predators’ could commit such crimes especially at such a young age (ranging from 13 !!! to 18). Many were from rural towns but the number one case (in the specific episode) was the case that happened around 2002 in MD and VA; Lee Boyd Malvo and the DC sniper shootings.

Throughout all the crimes the narrator states the facts, the fact that these murders were definitely against the law and that they were without doubt being punished for what they have done. But rather than feeling really bad for the victims I felt just as bad for the killers. There were court cases that included audio recordings and visual evidence leading the murderers to each case however there were also explanations that followed. Behind every juvenile criminal stood an emotional justification or sentence to explain how these crimes were inevitable.
A lot of pathos was used and many cases included children that were supposedly psychologically unstable. This to me just seems like an excuse or another rationalization for these children. Overall it did make me think twice about the murderers and their side of the murder.

Wilbur Straking plans to lead a group of Christians to the state capital on Monday to object the teachings of evolution at University.

Straking, a pastor at Ever-Faithful Church of the Living Water, and 25 Christian students plan to visit the state capital in order to express their strong, negative feelings against the university and its’ teachings of evolution. Laura Cliff, an associate biology professor at the university, seem to be their biggest target. Both Cliff and the university’s president decided to make no comments about the situation.

Straight News
U.S. airstrike kills at least 27 Afghan civilians

QALAT, AFGHANISTAN — A U.S. airstrike targeting a convoy of buses traveling in southern Afghanistan killed at least 27 civilians and wounded a dozen more in a bombing that could fuel a political backlash against the ongoing military offensive in Afghanistan.

Random Lead

Police say man swindled Montgomery County widow

The day before Roger Greenberg, a then-66-year-old ex-con, married Evelyn Zucker, a then-83-year-old invalid widow, he wrote a note to his bride-to-be.

Anecdotal Lead

One-day strike at Lufthansa to affect schedules for days

Lufthansa said late Monday that the airline is keeping its strike schedule in place for Tuesday, despite the fact pilots had already suspended the strike.

Confusing Lead

British Airways cabin crews vote to strike

London, England (CNN) — Union members representing British Airways cabin crews said Monday they have voted overwhelmingly to strike, though no date was announced.

Police say man swindled Montgomery County widow

I’m pretty sure everyone has heard about the plane crashing into the IRS building in Texas yesterday. This article grabbed my attention in an instant because I lived in Texas until I was 16.  But Andrew Joseph “Joe” Stack III, the pilot, not only flew into the building but also burned his own house before he did.  Now … why would anyone do that?! many of the articles say he had negative feelings toward the IRS but I don’t understand why he would burn his house.

His wife and friends stated that they new nothing about the situation and that Stack did not show any signs of hate or distress.  They said that he seemed like that, even the members of the band he was playing in.

I feel like this article is definitely telling the truth but maybe is trying to cover up at least a little of what has actually happened, or at least minimize the media attention it is getting.  Especially with the family and friends coming out and speaking to the media.  The spokesperson, family and friends just seem like they are trying to get extra support and pity… not that that is always a bad thing.

article about IRS plane crash

Photo courtesy of Flickr user Carmen Moreno

A woman is reading a book  while laying down probably in her leisure time. She seems to be very much into the book because she practically has her whole head in it. The context of her book she is reading is  written in a Foreign language (maybe Spanish).  The book is most likely about love and romance taking place in the city and long before 2000.  The characters in the book see m to be of normal-high class. The attire of the characters seem as if they are going to a party or  special occasion.

The woman reading the book could be  married because the ring she has on her finger.   Her long, black hair allows me to assume that she is young, maybe mid to late 20’s, with spare time.  She is laying on white bed sheets and wearing a white dress, which shows that she may favor the color white, or that she likes to keep things clean and in place

I just got done reading and article about Jaycee Dugard, 24, and her two children (11 & 14) who had recently been released years after being abducted. Dugard was sexually assaulted by her abducted, Phillip Garrido and lived with him for the next 18 years. Dugard was abducted when she was 11 and had her first daughter at the age of 14 and her second at 17.

Dugard’s journals of her abduction have been released within the court, and has been used to express how she felt when she was living with her abductors. Dugard states that at first she was thankful for some of the things the Garridos’ did for her (i.e. by her a kitten). However, she continues by stating how her emotions slowly turn into negative emotions including frustration and fear.

On the other hand, Garrido says he always thought of Dugard and her children as a family. Garrido also disclosed some heartwarming stories of their family, but i think was just to get some sympathy from viewers or the people in court. The article also says that Garrido is trying to communicate with Dugard and her daughters and Dugard is rejecting requests because she feels like he wants to manipulate her and nothing more.

I just think the Garridos are pretty crazy and brave to kidnap a girl and keep her all these years. Phillip Garrido also sexually assaulted her and got her pregnant. I don’t understand how someone can do all this and feel no guilt. How someone could just say he loved them like family. I;m pretty sure he wasn’t thinking about the victim(s), Dugards, and definitely do not believe he is sane.

For full story click here

Just got done reading an article about indigenous groups and how a group of tribes called the Great Andamanese are slowing dying off.   Specifically speaking, the Bo tribe, one of the tribes within the Great Andamanese, has become completely extinct after the last survivor passed away yesterday. Boa Sr was 85 years old and was a survivor in the tsunami in 2004 that killed many.  Many linguists, activists and other support groups say people should help these tribes, support them with more food and care, but i think  the indigenous tribes should try harder to open up to their supporters.

I know not all the tribes and its people are hostile and uncooperative but in the bottom half of the article it states that some of these indigenous groups (Sentinelese) are very hostile and not much is known about them because the don’t leave their island much… how are we supposed to help them?

Full article here.

There was no doubt that Hannah would one day become a internationally known jazz singer.

Midville is a fairly small place  that offers a lot of  security to its residents, especially to those who are raising families.

Erin could not see any point in paying tuition to a college where she was convinced that she was not receiving  her money’s worth.

During most of February, Laura stayed in her room and tried to fight off a cold.

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