Photo courtesy of Flickr user Carmen Moreno

A woman is reading a book  while laying down probably in her leisure time. She seems to be very much into the book because she practically has her whole head in it. The context of her book she is reading is  written in a Foreign language (maybe Spanish).  The book is most likely about love and romance taking place in the city and long before 2000.  The characters in the book see m to be of normal-high class. The attire of the characters seem as if they are going to a party or  special occasion.

The woman reading the book could be  married because the ring she has on her finger.   Her long, black hair allows me to assume that she is young, maybe mid to late 20’s, with spare time.  She is laying on white bed sheets and wearing a white dress, which shows that she may favor the color white, or that she likes to keep things clean and in place