Passive Voice : It was posted ontheir personal website, by Trey Parker and Matt Strone, that they will with-hold episodes unless Comedy central re-airs the series’ unless Comedy Central re-airs the series’ 200th episode.

correction… Trey Parker and Matt Strone posted on the website that they will with-hold episodes unless Comedy central re-airs the series’ unless Comedy Central re-airs the series’ 200th episode.

Comma placement / Mispelling Names : In resposne, a writer on the website,, warned that Park and Stone “might suffer the same fate as Theo Van Gogh”

Corrections : In resposne, a writer on the website warned that Parker and Stone “might suffer the same fate as Theo Van Gogh”

splitting leads : The creators of the controversial cartoon “South Park” are threatening to quit producing the show.  They are complaining that their network, Comedy Central, censored an episode depicting Muhammad.

Correction : The creators of the controversial cartoon “South Park” are threatening to quit producing the show;  They are complaining that their network, Comedy Central, censored an episode depicting Muhammad.