Pay For College Blog : assuming the audience wouldwant to see the other opinions and facts on other changes in tuition for universities. Also how salaries will influenced by the studies the take in college/ university.

Georgia tuition : Comparing tuition from specific schools, allowing parents and future students to consider certain districts over others.

Tuition from a Economist’s POV : Previous blogs have been for parents or students or and audience that is effected directly by tuition (parents, students, staff of university etc.).  However this is the point of view of a economist and their opinions how he changes in tuition and the effects they will have.

Taxing Tuition : this link allows the possibilities of alternatives like taxing tuition.  Using these taxes for the city if passed.  Although these policies have only been approved in specific schools and cases these could be the results of increasing our tuition, tuition would be another donor for our cities instead of only our education.

UVA Law Tuition : This is a blog that shows positive reactions to the rising in tuition in Virginia.  Althouhg not all universities are satisfied with the increasing tuition rates, some believe that it is not that bad, and that it is worth it.  Students in this UVA law blog write that since the major firms, which many tend to end up working, are well/high paying salary jobs, the tuition increase is not that bad…. but is that the case for other students nationwide?