I’m pretty sure everyone has heard about the plane crashing into the IRS building in Texas yesterday. This article grabbed my attention in an instant because I lived in Texas until I was 16.  But Andrew Joseph “Joe” Stack III, the pilot, not only flew into the building but also burned his own house before he did.  Now … why would anyone do that?! many of the articles say he had negative feelings toward the IRS but I don’t understand why he would burn his house.

His wife and friends stated that they new nothing about the situation and that Stack did not show any signs of hate or distress.  They said that he seemed like that, even the members of the band he was playing in.

I feel like this article is definitely telling the truth but maybe is trying to cover up at least a little of what has actually happened, or at least minimize the media attention it is getting.  Especially with the family and friends coming out and speaking to the media.  The spokesperson, family and friends just seem like they are trying to get extra support and pity… not that that is always a bad thing.

article about IRS plane crash