I just got done reading and article about Jaycee Dugard, 24, and her two children (11 & 14) who had recently been released years after being abducted. Dugard was sexually assaulted by her abducted, Phillip Garrido and lived with him for the next 18 years. Dugard was abducted when she was 11 and had her first daughter at the age of 14 and her second at 17.

Dugard’s journals of her abduction have been released within the court, and has been used to express how she felt when she was living with her abductors. Dugard states that at first she was thankful for some of the things the Garridos’ did for her (i.e. by her a kitten). However, she continues by stating how her emotions slowly turn into negative emotions including frustration and fear.

On the other hand, Garrido says he always thought of Dugard and her children as a family. Garrido also disclosed some heartwarming stories of their family, but i think was just to get some sympathy from viewers or the people in court. The article also says that Garrido is trying to communicate with Dugard and her daughters and Dugard is rejecting requests because she feels like he wants to manipulate her and nothing more.

I just think the Garridos are pretty crazy and brave to kidnap a girl and keep her all these years. Phillip Garrido also sexually assaulted her and got her pregnant. I don’t understand how someone can do all this and feel no guilt. How someone could just say he loved them like family. I;m pretty sure he wasn’t thinking about the victim(s), Dugards, and definitely do not believe he is sane.

For full story click here